ZW Smart Logistic is a next-generation logistics provider that manages a comprehensive logistics service platform for industrial customers.
About the project
The platform must allow the 1,000 agents to synchronize the state of the logistics park. It allows you to generate advanced data reports for 50 million m² of industrial parks.
Mobile App
Web App
Administrator platform
Zetos servicces
The design focused on 2 major aspects:
How to digitalize very traditional logistics services and warehouses?
How to integrate the concept of big data and create value with logistics data?
Working groups were organized internally to assess the feasibility and value provided by this new platform.
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The design phase focused on the user platform for agents and the data monitoring administrator tool for management.

Significant workflow work was also carried out to ensure that the platform would work with the company's integrated work processes - notably ERP.
Development in bi-monthly cycles to ensure monitoring and progress of the project. Test phases in a pre-production universe, followed by production after validation of the cycle. Demonstrations and testing with the customer to guarantee optimal results.

The total duration of the project was 12 months.
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Tech stack
The technical stack is based on WX Jscrpit, Java, MySQL and Redis.
Our favorite features
Announcements and updates
Thanks to digitalization, updates and various announcements are easily transmitted to the teams. Text and video formats are supported to enable effective communication.

On the administrator side, announcements can be easily configured and planned in advance to save time.
Tripartite management
The company must synchronize data from 3 sources: agents, warehouses and customers. What the platform now allows, with a minimal error threshold in data tracking. The status of industrial sites is continuously updated.
Composite index
The platform makes it possible to automatically monitor and report a composite index to assess the quality of execution of each contract. This index has become a monthly KPI for monitoring the company's activity.
The project in figures
1 000
logistic agents
50 millions de m²
warehouses under management
100 000